Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When you want to take flight...

January 1st is right around the bend and I suppose that means I’m supposed to reflect on what I’m going to do better at next year, right? I’m not much for following traditions, but it does seem like this moment is as good as any to reflect on what needs to change.

My life is a little hectic right now and I’ve got so many things going on. I feel a little like I’ve been twirling my arms around in giant circles trying to fly while only wearing myself out and not getting anywhere. While I’ve really been enjoying all of the different aspects of my creative life lately, I feel like I’m spread a little too thin so that I’m not really able to do anything whole-heartedly. I’ve got several residential landscape design projects I’m working on, a graphic design project, my work at the engineering firm up in Tucson two days a week (pays some bills), my two Etsy shops which I am trying to build and add more products, and a portrait photography business I would like to grow. I’ve also had a huge urge to paint or draw lately but really can’t find the time.

What does all that mean for my blog? I wrote down some resolutions a few weeks ago and one of them was to be more consistent in my postings here. But lately I’ve been thinking, can I really do that? And should I? I know I haven’t been very good to you readers who I do appreciate so much. There are so many things I would love to do here, like add guest posts, more themed posts, share your work and work of others that I find inspiring, add some DIY or tutorials, do some give-a-aways! Sounds great doesn’t it? Ah, but where would I find the time? Plus there’s this little nagging thing…I really don’t enjoy writing. I’m such a visual person that sometimes the thought of writing is a deterrent in itself.

So quickly, before this sounds like I’m complaining (too late?), what I really wanted to ask from all of you is, how do you do it? I know there are many of you out there that are extremely busy and still manage to streamline your work to be consistent and high-quality. Can you share some secrets in the comments with me and the other readers out there? If you are still out there…

Thank you and thank you for sticking around.


  1. Aw... A very common problem. You know my secret? I don't try to do it all. I learned early on that often the greatest enemy of the best is the good. There are a lot of really "good" things that I could be doing, but they often subtract from the best things I do. Instead of juggling them all, I'm learning to decide what's most important and discard the "good" things. Trust me, it's worth it. :)

    Best of luck to you in the new year! :)

  2. Christina: Thank you so much for your comment. I know you are absolutely correct in that! I think I'm currently in an exploration stage of trying to figure out what that is, and how I can earn a living with it. I know I'm doing too many things and in turn, nothing gets my best and full attention. The problem is, I like too many things! LOL. I guess it's a good problem to have, but I do need to learn to focus more on one thing at a time. Just like you, I'm learning what it is I need to discard, or at least put on the back-burner for a while. Thanks again for your advice....very wise. :)

    Have a safe and wonderful 2011!
