I'm trying not to do this too hastily. Afterall, the new year is about doing things better, right? Well, there's no need for full out resolution surgeries here, but I know I'm in need of a little life nip and tuck. What better time to don my scalpel than during the start of a new year? Here's a list of some of the things I would like to improve upon during this upcoming year. I'm going to divide it into three sections: personal, work, relationships.
art by Marie-Chantale Turgeon
- Be more gentle with myself and give myself more freedom for mistakes. Afterall, life is an exploration.
- Be more bold.
- Eat less sugar. I'm usually pretty good at this, but the holiday season really got to me. It's not that I eat that much sugar compared to most Americans, but I can feel it making my brain foggy and it's just not that good for me!
- Drink more water.
- Take more time for activities that bring presence and stability into my life.
- Focus more on one thing at a time. I'm the queen of multi-tasking and it's starting to take a toll on my productivity in a negative way.
- Become more postive and attract more of what I want in my life.
- Appreciate everything more!
- Get more business minded. Take care of all the business aspects that I hate dealing with. Time logs, licensing, accounting, taxes, marketing (although I like this).
- Make business cards and fliers. Drop them off at local places.
- Add more products to both my Etsy shops. I have some exciting ideas in mind!
- Communicate more with other bloggers. I think this one is really important for two reasons. First, it's important that we support each other and I want to let others know how much I appreciate them. Second, I'd love to get my work more publicity and it would be great to be published on a well known blog someday.
- Be more consistent with my blog posts and more deliberate about producing posts that get people inspired!
- I'd like to submit some of my work to magazines in the hopes of being published. If anyone has suggestions for this I would love to hear them.
- Become more involved in fPOE (Female Photographers of Etsy).
- Talk to more people. Be more outgoing. This is huge for me because I am very shy around new people and I hate starting conversation. It's so hard but I know I need to push myself and create some real and meaningful relationships.
- Get my work into a gallery, shop, or cafe.
- Get out from behind the computer and spend more time with friends, face to face.
- Be more present in my relationships, expecially during conversations. I have wandering-mind-syndrome.
- Be more focused on helping others. Give more. Love more.
- Listen better.
- Communicate better. Make less assumptions. Be more upfront.
- Send more hand written notes to distant friends.
- Inject more fun into my relationships.
I may just have to add more as I think of them, but for now these are the big ones. Do you have a list of your resolutions? I'd love to hear them. Feel free to post them in the comments or provide a link to them.
Thanks friends, for all your support!
These are some very good resolutions! I think that your best ones are in regard to the relationships in your life... Those are the resolutions that will matter the MOST in the end. :)